A baby can’t fight. It’s supposed to have a mother and a father, a family that will protect it, care for it, love and fight for it. But what if that little baby has no family? To the Thai government, he’s another statistic. One of thousands of children orphaned or abandoned each year in Thailand. As an unwanted baby he could end up in a garbage can, abandoned in the hospital nursery or given over to a desperately overcrowded government orphanage.
Home of Joy in Chiang Mai reaches out loving arms to accept orphaned and abandoned babies. Babies coming into Home of Joy, come into a family for life. Home of Joy promises to care for them till adulthood, just as a normal family would. 8 children are now “home” at Home of Joy. Now that’s a reason for joy! That’s what L.I.F.E. is all about.
Real L.I.F.E. story:
“Boo”* was only three years old when her mother died of cancer, and her father, grieving the death of his wife, was unable to care for her. With no extended family willing to care for her at that time, Home of Joy gladly received her as a new temporary addition to their family and, shortly after arriving, Boo prayed and asked God to be her best friend! Suddenly, she had a hunger for reading her children’s Bible and also loved praying for others especially her father.
As his grief eased, Boo's father called her often, and came to visit as well. With Home of Joy’s help, a loving, caring relationship with his daughter was re-established. It eventually became evident they were ready to be ‘family’ once again. After school was finished and after checking with Boo's extended family a couple of times, Boo was handed back into her father’s care. Home of Joy’s call is to provide a loving, caring home for orphaned and abandoned babies, so Boo was a special exception. But the staff and children thank God that they were able to offer Boo a safe place until her own family could care for her. That’s Boo. That’s what L.I.F.E. is all about.
* Not her real name
- Sponsor a child (3 supporters per child)- $53 US/month
- Sponsor a staff (2 supporters per staff) -$120 US/month
Child care workers