YWAM Chiang Mai is a growing family of ministries, committed to making Jesus known in Thailand and the surrounding region. YWAM has been ministering in Chiang Mai and the surrounding region since the late 1970's. In that time, we have seen many Thais come to Christ along with forming solid relationships with local pastors and many Thai churches in the region.
The ministries of YWAM Chiang Mai are as diverse as the YWAMer’s who make them happen, and have an impact locally, regionally and internationally. For example, Home of Joy provides a home for abandoned children. Create Thailand uses arts and media to communicate the Gospel across Asia. The DTS and Create DTS provide training for disciples that are ready to GO. Our Business as Mission team trains entrepreneurs to use their skill set while serving God and transforming nations. These are just a few of the ministries that make up YWAM Chiang Mai.
Due to the strategic location of the city of Chiang Mai, we are also a hub for many of YWAM’s Transnational Ministries, such as King’s Kids, Frontier Missions, and Create International. As YWAMer’s we seek to be unified in purpose and values, strategically linking and sharing resources to support each others vision. To Know Him And Make Him Known.
YWAM Chiang Mai is passionate about:
Student Ministry. Community Development. Multimedia & Graphic Arts. Café. Performing Arts. Visual Arts. Training. Frontier Missions. Contextual Evangelism. Orphans. Local Church. Cell Church. House Church. Member Care. Music and Missions. Worship. And much more.
What’s your passion?
Come and visit us. Stay for a while. Find out where you fit. Dare to dream. Impact your world.