Wondering if you should bring a DTS team, YWAM school, church team or seniors group to Thailand for outreach?
Read what others are saying about their time in Thailand...
I’ve been in Thailand for a month and through the days I have experienced a lot and I have really seen a lot through God’s eyes. Coming to Thailand wasn’t my first priority but just being here has made me realize that it’s a choice I’ll never regret. I have witnessed brokenness beyond the fake smiles and seen the emptiness beyond the beauty. Even though I came to Thailand to bring the kingdom of heaven to the people, I realized the brokenness within myself. I started to notice the fake smiles I give people and I noticed my emptiness in my heart covered by the beauty on the outside. Although, many people I came across weren’t Christians yet they showed me more love than most “Christians” do. As I began to open my eyes and my heart completely to the Lord; it was easier for me to understand and feel God's love. During the past month my team and I taught English and the gospel in school and all in all helped out whenever we were needed. Honestly speaking, this was the first time I’ve done something for someone else and not expect a thing in return. I hope I have impacted Thailand the way it has impacted me – Jacob
YWAM Jacksonville DTS
Our time in Thailand was amazing! One of the most memorable experiences we had was working with a ministry called Grace House. There are about 30 kids here, mostly because their families are unable to support them. Here our team was able to truly experience the hospitality that is so natural to the Thai culture, and the selfless love that the kids had for one another. The language barrier that seems so stiff in other places seemed to melt away at this place. It was such a joy to play with the kids, laugh with them because they're laughing, and even to just sit with them. They truly showed us the love of God, and the heart of service here, and it's something that we will never forget.
We sat in the rehab center for the last day we would spend with them. We had visited these men, many of whom the police had found and set in this rehab center. We had been coming for 5 weeks; all the while we played games together to bring joy, had the team share skits and dramas, and shared personal testimonies as well as the gospel. On this last day one of the men stood up to thank us for not thinking bad of them or being scared of them. I thought how ironic this statement was as this was our student’s favorite ministry where multiple students had repeatedly asked to come back after our first visit.
We broke into small groups and talked together before giving every man a handmade gift from us. After we had broken up a few local Christians, a few of my students, and one of the men came back together to talk Soon we could all see they were praying; so we waited patiently for them. One of my students came over in a smile; “I lead him in the sinner’s prayer, I’ve never done that before.” That statement in itself is everything about why I do this. Another brother in Christ, students getting more excitement about the gospel message, working alongside local christians who will continue in the discipleship process…
YWAM Sydney Island Breeze DTS
Our outreach in Thailand has been so incredible. There are not words to describe the culture here. Something so beautiful was our time in sila home. We went their to show them God's heart but we left feeling like we encountered Him again for the first time. The way those kids love each other and accept new people so open armed changed our lives. When we left we all had tears in our eyes. We were saying goodbye to our family now. Sila home will always be apart of us.
YWAM Byron Bay DTS
MEI Team Thailand 2017 was blessed by the people they met in Thailand and the kindness and hospitality of the Thai people. We enjoyed serving and sharing the Word of God with the people we met. We saw an openness to the Gospel, a warm reception to offers for prayer and a willingness to look at God’s Word. We leave the country so encouraged and challenged and will continue to pray as God works in great ways in Thailand.
MEI School
During our first English camp, we formed great relationships with the children! Many were from abusive or neglectful families. Near the end of one day, there was a boy who was crying because he didn’t want to go home. We asked our translator what was going on, and she said, “He doesn’t want to go home because no one takes care of him or loves him there. He wants to stay here because everyone is so nice.” Moments like that make it all worth it. Although there was a language barrier, that boy and many other children, experienced God’s love in such a tangible way those three days, and they saw the difference in the way that followers of Christ love and live each day.
World Race
Although there are many highlights of our short time here in Bangkok, our time with the NRTC students was truly special. The YWAM Thailand website is correct--sometimes these students here are forgotten. With 150+ teams coming through the NRTC and being sent out to dozens of ministries all around Thailand, a lot of it is possible because these students, some 20-plus girls, are here serving at the NRTC. They cook, clean, translate, worship, and although many don't even notice, they are a huge part in helping us reach the least-reached. Thank you NRTC students for your hospitality, smiles, and for reminding us that each one of us, no matter how small or big the part, plays a significant role in bringing His kingdom here on earth. Blessings on all of you and keep on doing what you're doing :) Thank you!
YWAM Colorado Springs Strategic Frontier Winter DTS
"With our team of eight people, from YWAM Heidebeek in the Netherlands, we went to the city Pattaya to reach out to the bar women that work there in the red light district. For nine weeks we were in Pattaya where we worked together with Tamar Center, a foundation that helps women to get out of the world or prostitution. Because we were there for a longer time, we were able to build relationship with the bar women and really let them know how much they were valued by God. As a team we were able to share God's love with the women and to tell them about Jesus. Many of them had never heard about Jesus before. Often when we prayed for them, the women were moved and had to cry. To give these women a message of hope, which there is in God, was something very special to do."
YWAM Heiderbeek Mercy and Justice DTS
One of the days we were in Phang Nga we had the opportunity to work with some missionaries in the area who are attempting to make connections in schools and other kids programs. We went to a school and were able to do songs, games, and fun skits with about 20 children. Though it was a public secular school, the school director willingly allowed us to talk about our faith. They were a bit apprehensive and shy at first, but quickly warmed up to a big group of foreigners. By the end of our time there, they were hugging on us and hanging off every limb we had. Though we only had one day with them, our team quickly became attached to each one of these incredible kids!! We heard days later that because the kids had so much fun, the missionary couple was invited to come back any time and share about Jesus and teach the Bible any time they want. It is incredible to see how God is going to start moving in huge ways throughout schools in southern Thailand.
YWAM Honolulu DTS
The outreach department was very helpful at explaining the different opportunities for our team to partner with in Thailand. It was easy for us to figure out where God was leading us, and what the best fit would be for our team. Once we arrived in Chiang Mai, the outreach department made sure that we were welcomed into the country. They were very welcoming, and gave us a fantastic orientation. This helped us adapt to the culture and have a smooth transition into the country. They also were very organized and helped us get around Thailand without a problem. We were very grateful for the outreach department and felt that God used it to equip our team to better serve in Thailand
YWAM Oxford Justic DTS, New Zealand
I am very grateful to the outreach department. They respond immediately to our request in email. They are so hospitable, and considerate. The orientation is a big help for us to know the culture. The orientation is not boring.
YWAM Philippines DTS
The outreach teas department was such an incredible help to me, and our team. The department always responded promptly to any questions, very directly and with details needed. Thank you for preparing us well for our time by coordinating so much, and providing us with proper orientation.
YWAM Montana Fall Music DTS
The Outreach Department was very helpful in helping us coordinate our outreach from start to finish. Responses to our questions were very quick and they made sure that our team had everything we needed in order for us to have a successful outreach.
YWAM Kona Awaken DTS