My Home is a caring place for the abandoned children, focusing especially on northeastern Thailand. We have 24 children, aged 7-18 years old. All are in school: kindergarten to high school.
Real L.I.F.E. story:
You’re 6 years old. The only life you’ve known is one of sadness and despair. Your father is dead, your mother is sick, and your relatives don’t want you. You’re afraid, so you put up a wall to hide the tears, the fear. You shut your emotions down.
That was Mint*
She came to My Home at the age of 6, so traumatized she wouldn’t speak and simply couldn’t show any emotions. Love is an amazing thing; it can get behind the highest walls, the most damaged heart. The staff at My Home and the other children there poured out love, care and friendship on Mint, day by day, week by week, and month by month.
You should see her now! She’s a bright spark, a talkative, laughing, creative 11 year old girl, full of joy and life. She’s one of the smartest in her class at school and getting prettier by the day. My Home has become her home, and her heart is healed. That’s Mint. That’s what L.I.F.E. is all about. (*not real name)
- sponsorship for a child (3 supporters per child) - $53 US/month
- sponsorship for staff (2 supporters per staff) - $100/month
- finances for emergency medical/dental treatment - $30 month
Caring for the children, house keeping, etc.
Contact Baan Chan "My Home"
My Home
P.O. Box 82
Khon Kaen 40001