Human trafficking, or modern day slavery, is pervasive and evasive. It changes face and tactics from city to city, country to country.
Slavery lives on the fringes. It finds haven in darkness. This reality is clear. It is here where we find our call to action: Together we must cast light by collectively building a fast moving, relevant campaign that dares to dream of a world that fights for and ensures freedom for all.
As a church (and global society) we find ourselves far behind in the fight. It is undeniable, however, that together we can stem the tide! YWAM is positioned in Thailand and around the world to step up in this fight and to set the captive free.
YWAM Thailand is committed to being a part of the movement to see the eradication of both human trafficking and social injustice through different ministries throughout the Kingdom. We believe that there are several areas that are ripe for a movement of God and that are currently being addressed by some of our own ministries. They are:
Seeing programs and methods developed to assist those who are most vulnerable and susceptible to being trafficked.
Tamar Center
Many ladies who found new life at Tamar Center asked the staff to go with them to their villages in northeast Thailand (Isaan) so their families can be changed too. The staff at Tamar Center said 'yes', and after two years of working with those families and villages to see reconciliation happen, relationships built, and children's program begun, they have now opened their first Prevention Center in Isaan. This will initially offer childcare for single mothers, followed by job training, all with a Godly foundation.
ARK International
Ark International is an international body defending the rights of children at risk, restoring dignity as children of God and developing their unique gifts and skills.
As well as many other ministries that are working with children at risk and women at risk.
Coming alongside of those who have chosen a new lifestyle and helping to bring about complete restoration emotionally, physically and spiritually.
House of Refuge
House of Refuge desires to be a place each girl under their care is loved and looked after in a caring environment. A place where shattered lives are healed.
Tamar Center
Tamar Center is a place for help, healing and hope, offering the ladies who come out of the bars jobs in their card-making program, hairdressing salon, bakery, restaurant and other income-earning activities, as well as giving courses in life skills, English and personal relationship with God.
These are just a few of the many YWAM Thailand ministries that are pursuing God's call to aide in the abolition of human trafficking and social injustice. There is a place for you among them. If you are interested in volunteering with any of our ministries to help see the eradication of human trafficking, please contact the ministry directly or email us for further information.