YWAM Shan Project
Shan Project is partnering with local communities in the Golden Triangle to see transformational development take place through the power of the gospel, in all areas of society, making disciples who live out of a biblical worldview amongst the nations. For further information on Shan Project, check out our website at shanproject.org
Inductive Bible Study Book by Book
Inductive Bible Study Book by Book is a simple, free, downloadable Inductive Bible Study resource to help you understand, apply and encounter the life-transforming power of God through His Word, the Bible. These booklets are a collection of study guides covering every book of the Bible. This collection is distinctive in that it is inductive, allowing the Scriptures to speak for themselves through seven simple steps. It is one of very few resources written for a non-English audience, as it was developed at the request of a group of churches in a country with almost non-existent Bible study resources. Each booklet has been carefully edited, tested and used in a group setting. The vocabulary has been intentionally selected to reach as many readers as possible. Most importantly, the focus of these booklets is on the final step of producing the fruit of Bible study—a transformed life. These booklets are currently being translated and produced in English, Burmese and Thai. ibsbookbybook.org
M28 Studios
M28. Studios is an initiative to produce recordings and media resources for minority languages that will disciple the nations in worshiping Jesus. Most languages in the world have access to limited or no discipleship resources. M28. seeks to partner with local musicians, ministers and communities in reaching the least, the last and the lost by creating accessible media opportunities for the unreached in their heart language.
Eastern Shan State Transformation Alliance
ESSTA is an alliance of several like-minded organizations that love the people, tribal diversity, green hills and valleys of Eastern Shan State, Myanmar. Our alliance is made up of several organizations, languages and cultures. Our members have over 25 years of on the ground experience in the Golden Triangle. As an alliance, we know that by working together in partnership, we can accomplish much and make a deep and lasting impact on lives and communities. essta.dev
Discipleship Training School - Dates to be announced.
School of Biblical Studies - Dates to be announced.
Titus Project, Teacher Training Seminar - Dates to be announced.
Financial Support
Note: Online donations are NOT tax deductible.
Tax Deductible U.S. Donations
If you wish to support our ministry through tax deductible donations, please send checks payable to "YWAM Montana" to:
"YWAM Montana, 501 Blacktail Rd., Lakeside, MT 59922, U.S.A.".
Please don't write anything else on the check and include a separate note indicating that your donation is for "Project 3708, Shan Project".
Tax Deductible Canadian Donations
If you wish to support this ministry through tax deductible donations in Canada, please send cheques payable to "YWAM" to:
"YWAM Project Funding Office,
PO Box 57100,
Vancouver, BC V5K 1Z0,
Please do not write anything else on the check
but include a separate note indicating that your donation is for "Shan Project".