Who are we?
Serving Without Borders (SWB) is a Christian missions organization, committed to serving God and reaching out to people with the Gospel of Jesus Christ--without geographic, cultural, or organizational boundaries.
"Behold, I say to you, lift up your eyes, and look on the fields: For they are white already for harvest." (1 John 4:3)
That every nation, people, and tribe would come to know Jesus Christ.
Reach out to the lost, while training leaders and sending them to fulfill their calling.
SWB is reaching out to communities in Mongolia and in Thailand with different types of ministry.
In Thailand
BIFA Football Academy has been ministering to Buddhist communities and hill tribe kids since 2015. More than 100 students in 3 locations in Chiang Rai are learning how to play football/soccer and about our Savior. Our goal is to use football/soccer as a platform to reach out to local communities for the purpose of church planting and church growth.
Real Life Story: Lek* is a young boy who loves to play football. He lives with his father and sister in a local village, where BIFA teaches every week. His father works in the rice fields, and their family struggles for a living. When Lek finished the 6th grade, he needed to change schools. However, every school was far from his home and would require some extra expenses that his father could not afford to pay. So Lek's family decided to send him to a Buddhist temple, where he could get a free education and become a monk. He would not be able to play football anymore and would live away from his father and sister. SWB leaders talked to Lek's father and asked him if we could pay for his schooling so that he could stay home with his family. Thankfully, his father agreed, and Lek is now happily attending his new school, playing football/soccer, and living with his family.
* not his real name
The Christmas Gift Box Project is a way of reaching out to local schools in Thailand. During Christmas time, SWB puts together and collects gift boxes from local international schools, BIFA Football School, and overseas donations to give to impoverished children in local Thai schools. We take the opportunity to share who Jesus Christ is and what He did for us all. This ministry started in 2015 and so far has blessed more than 500 children.
Leadership Training and Equipping
We believe in making disciples of Jesus Christ and helping the body of Christ to be more effective in its calling. Leadership training is essential to activate this purpose.
In Mongolia
Goal and Plans
- Have BIFA Football Academy in 5 more locations with more than 250 children being reached every week with the gospel of Our Lord.
- Plant a church in a Thai Local village where there is currently no church by the end of 2018.
- We are planning to build our center in Chiang Rai, with One Football Field, Classrooms and Students dormitories. We aim to finish paying the land by the end of 2018 and start building in 2019.
Staff Opportunities
- English Teachers willing to serve the Nations;
- Soccer coaches with the heart to reach out people for Christ;
- Thai –Translator;
- Thai Pastors and leaders for church planting and New Football Ministry Sites;
- People with IT skills, Website, photos and Video Making;
- Musicians;
Prayer Requests
- Please pray for team unity, protection, provision.
- Pray for more staff.
- Pray the Lord will use us to be a blessing to many people.
Contact Serving Without Borders
Jardel da Silva
Serving Without Borders
Ministry Leader
+66 0800077498
Financial Support
Note: Online donations are NOT tax deductible.
Tax Deductible Donations In The USA
Online Deposit through
Send a Check made out to "Amazing Grace Family Church"
with "Serving Without Borders" in the memo to the address below:
660 Royal Palm Beach Blvd.,
Royal Palm Beach, FL 33411