Greetings from the Outreach Teams Department
We are excited that you and your team will be coming to Thailand to do your outreach here. We know that God is going to use you in amazing ways to have tremendous, life changing impact on the lives of many Thai people while you are in country. More than 98% of the Thai population in 77 provinces still do not know God in a personal way. We are so thankful that you have chosen to come to Thailand and are confident you will fall in love with the country, the Thai people and even the delicious food.
Ministry Locations & Important Information
Our Outreach Teams Department exists to facilitate every aspect of your upcoming outreach to the Kingdom of Thailand. We currently have over 75 YWAM Thailand ministry locations and over 140 unique serving opportunities for you to consider while here (please view our locations map). When making your choice, we would also like to encourage your team to prayerfully consider partnering with a ministry location that is waiting to receive their first outreach team, or with a location that may have been waiting for an extended period of time (6 months – 2 years) to host another one.
You will find everything you need to plan our your upcoming outreach to Thailand on our Frequently Asked Questions page.
Length of Time
For teams coming for longer than 1 month, we usually ask them to stay in one location for a minimum of 2-3 weeks to be most effective here on outreach. Relationships are key to reaching the Thai people and if a team really wants to maximize their impact and go “deep” with their chosen ministry, the longer they stay, the more impact they will have. Many of our pastors and ministry leaders also prefer this arrangement as well and some locations won’t take a team that wants to stay for a shorter period of time. For teams coming on shorter trips, we can also tailor your outreach to max out your time and meet your needs.
Please note the following:
We politely ask that you do not contact various ministry locations directly as this can create confusion and communication gaps between our ministry hosts, our outreach coordinators, and your team.
We also encourage you and your team members to seek answers to your questions on our website as it contains helpful infomation on Thailand and Thai culture as well as all of our ministries.
We pray that you are your team will have an awesome and fruitful time in the Land of Smiles.
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Financial Support
Note: Online donations are NOT tax deductible.
Tax Deductible U.S. Donations
If you wish to support our ministry through tax deductible donations, please send checks payable to "YWAM Montana" to:
"YWAM Montana, 501 Blacktail Rd., Lakeside, MT 59922, U.S.A.".
Please don't write anything else on the check and include a separate note indicating that your donation is for "Project 3059, YWAM Thailand - Outreach Teams Department".