Who Are We: A multi-cultural community dedicated to know God and make Him known
What Is Or Vision: To make disciples of christ and release them to fulfill god's call on their lives.
How Do We Do That?: The three main areas that we focus on in our quest to make disciples of Christ and release them to fulfill God's call on their lives are reachinging out, trainging, discipling community.
Reaching out
YWAM Chiang Rai affirms the Christian Magna Carta which describes the following basic rights as implicit in the gospel. Everyone on earth has the right to:
- Hear and understand the gospel of Jesus Christ.
- Have a Bible available in their own language.
- Have a Christian fellowship available nearby, to be able to meet for fellowship regularly each week, and to have Biblical teaching and worship with others in the Body of Christ.
- Have a Christian education available for their children.
- Have the basic necessities of life: food, water, clothing, shelter and health care.
- Lead a productive life of fulfillment spiritually, mentally, socially, emotionally, and physically.
YWAM Chiang Rai seeks to raise up people who understand and demonstrate God's nature, character, intentions, boundaries and principles in each sphere of society. For this reason, our training seeks to discover a biblical Christian worldview for that particular area of study.
God's people are called to fulfill the Great Commission by reflecting God's character and principles in their everyday work. God, as the Author and Creator of all things, designed these spheres (or areas of influence) to produce healthy, thriving communities in alignment with His guidance. These seven spheres of society are:
- Family
- Economics (including Science, Technology & Business)
- Government
- Religion
- Education
- Communications/Media
- Celebration (including Arts, Entertainment & Sports).
Discipling Community
The aim of discipleship is for the disciple to become more like Jesus in the way he relates and lives. This kind of Christian growth is best facilitated in the context of relationships where every person is giving and receiving according to the Biblical description of how the Body of Christ is to function. The following are examples from the New Testament of how the Body of Christ as a community is to relate to one another.
- Love one another (1 Thes 4:9/1 Peter 1:22, 4:8)
- Bearing with one another (Eph 4:2)
- Have compassion for one another (1 Peter 3:8)
- Be devoted to one another in brotherly love (Rom 12:10)
- Give preference to one another in honor (Rom 12:10)
- Accept one another (Rom 15:7)
- Serve one another (Gal 5:13)
- Submit to one another (Eph 5:21)
- Teach and admonish one another (Col 3:16)
- Encourage one another (1 Thes 5:11)
- Build up one another (1 Thes 5:11)
- Stimulate one another to love and good deeds (Heb 10:24)
- Confess sins to one another (James 5:16)
- Pray for one another (James 5:16)
- Be hospitable to one another without complaint (1 Peter 4:9)
- Speak truth in love to one another (Eph 4:15-16)
- Forgive one another (Eph 4:32)
YWAM Chiang Rai is in a season of growth right now. We are running the School of Biblical Studies (SBS) and the Discipleship Training School (DTS) annually. We are finding ourselves being built together into a united family, although we all come from many nations and cultures. We are pursuing family-like unity as well as Gods vision for us as a community. As God continues to reveal his heart and vision to us we get more and more excited. God is taking us into our surrounding community and even beyond it to impact the nation of Thailand. He is working in us and in Thailand, and we are thrilled to be a part of it.
Housing Project
Current Situation: All of our staff and students have dorms to live in on the base however this is not suitable for long term staff, especially families. (we currently have 3 families with us with a total of 4 children).
Project Vision: To provide suitable housing for long-term staff, especially families.
For more detailed information and donation information, please click here.
Land Expansion Project
Current Situation: God has given us the opportunity to purchase the land adjoining the YWAM location and to start developing and building on the property! God has performed many miracles regarding this property and we have been abundantly blessed with His guidance! Please visit out website and read about how God worked through YWAM Chiang Rai!
Project Vision: We would strive towards providing more staff and family housing in addition to the housing project, a large meeting area, and more classrooms for the upcoming schools.
For more detailed information and donation information, please click here.
We also have staff needs in the following areas:
- Location Administrator
- Someone to run our cafe
- Maintenance
- Accountant
- DTS staff
- SBS staff
- Communications / IT (webpage, video, audio, etc.)
- Outreach Team host or translator
May God provide for His plans, His people and His purposes for YWAM Chiang Rai.
Financial Support
Note: Online donations are NOT tax deductible.