How many business people have felt second class in their churches and communities as they head into the office from 9-5 each day, while their counterparts move to tribal communities over seas, translate the bible into foreign tongues, and deliver medical care to the poor across the globe? Business is often seen as selfish and un-important in the church. This understanding of occupations, business, and the world is not of God. Humans created the secular realm; God sees all things as sacred and wants all people to know him and serve him with all that they have.
God is changing wrong thinking about business in the church across the globe. Christians are rising up and re-claiming this important domain of society as a blessed and valuable tool for reaching the lost, and enriching the communities and societies they are a part of.
Bridges can be built to reach people that would otherwise be very difficult to find common ground with through business. Business is also being used as a sustainable way to influence, change, and bless poor and developing communities as people learn kingdom principles in the workplace, and earn a living to take care of their families.
YWAM Thailand hosts a transformational school called the Introduction to Business as Mission (iBAM), where men and women can come receive powerful and relevant teaching, as well as gain some hands on experience through visiting businesses and companies in Thailand that are operating out of a business as mission ethos. Various ministries within YWAM Thailand are embracing the business as mission model, and using these concepts to enrich the lives of those they are reaching out to.