17 years ago the vision that God put in my heart was to use art as a means of communicating the beauty of the Lord and to prepare different rooms filled with art that would communicate hope, encouragement and God's beauty.
For the past 17 years I have so deeply appreciated the faithfulness of God. Words cannot adequately express when I see the long-awaited dream, the God-given vision come to pass. It makes both my flesh and my inner spirit worship and praise God at the same time.
17 years ago there were few people who gave me encouragement that what God had promised would really happen. There were many who laughed and saw that the things I had received were just from my imagination and wouldn't really happen. At that time I couldn't paint very well and was a new Christian and I had yet to walk in the things that God had promised me. Therefore I make choice to chose God's word became my only hope in the midst of mockery and ridicule.
Since those days faith and hope in his promises are my focus and are rooted deeply in my spirit, that is being watered and already bearing fruit. Whoever love to boasts in chariots or in horses, boast in his own wisdom, let them do it but I will boast in the word of God, in HIs name and the evident of his faithfulness in answered my prayer and continue to bless my life.
At the end of 2012 my family moved down and pioneered the work of Ywam Huahin in preparing the rooms for people to stay and rest, a place for God's workers and some may call the retreat house. At that time we had one volunteer and one full-time staff.