My name is Chutamat Seesaeng, but I go by my nickname 'Oomssin'. I am originally from Bangkok, but I came to know God in a club at Mahasarakham University. Before I was a Christian, I had almost committed suicide many times because of family problems. My mother filed for bankruptcy because she was organizing lotteries. Our house and car were seized. My parents divorced. My mom was arrested for drug offences. My dad got a new wife. I tried to do everything that I could to find happiness. I kept busy with university club activities. I become more devout in my Buddhism, and became a vegetarian. But nothing worked, until I came to know the true love and peace that is in God.
Since joining YWAM, I initially worked with Mahasarakham Campus Minsitries for 5 years. I then joined staff in Khon Kaen with the DTS and Family Ministries for 3 years. I am now on staff with the Ubon Ratchathani DTS.