My name is Rawit Changlek, but everyone calls me by my nickname "Boy". I grew up in a Buddhist family in the northeast part of Thailand called Isaan. I have only one older sister.
When I was 15 years old, I had to move into town to stay with my aunt so that I could go to high school. I moved to Bangkok when I was 18 years old so that I could go to Ramkhamheang University. This university is well known in that it is one of the largest universities in the world.
While I was there, I met a Christian group that called themselves "Baan Jai Diaow" (BJD or House of One Heart). At the time, I was very impressed with BJD. They did all kinds of good things, including working with university students, teaching English and helping others out. I could see the unity amongst the students that stayed at this place. Shortly after, I moved to stay at the BJD. It was there that I learned about Jesus and decided to accept Him as my Lord and Saviour.
During my second year of university, God encouraged me to do Discipleship Training School through one of the missionaries who was staying at BJD. I started to pray about this more and more and then decided to go for it.
During my DTS, God gave me a heart for young people and university students. After I finished my DTS, I got involved at BJD and went on staff with them while I finished my university courses. When I stop to think about it, I realize that I have learned so many things from this ministry. I am thankful to God for this wonderful opportunity.
I was one of the team leaders at BJD for 9 yearsa, learning new things about God all the time. God is encouraging me through His word and especially, Matthew 6:33. He will give you all that you need from day to day if you live for Him and make the kingdom of God your primary concern. I am now planting a house church in Bangkok.
My name is Supap Changlek but everyone calls me by my nickname - Aeow. I am twenty-five years old. I was raised in a Buddhist family. My older sister and younger brother are both Christian. My sister led me to Christ when I first came to Bangkok in 2000 to attend university. She also brought me to Baan Jai Diaow, and ministry of Youth with a mission (YWAM), which provides housing for university students. I quickly became friends with many people who did not believe in God.
While living at BJD, I wanted to volunteer my time with YWAM, so I cleaned the YWAM offices. I continued this work until I graduated from university. I then began working for Project Life, which is also a ministry of YWAM that reaches out to the poor and needy of Thailand.
In 2005, after I completed two years with Project L.I.F.E. Foundation, I decided to attend a Discipleship Training School (DTS) in Chiang Mai. During this time I became on fire for God and began to seek his will for my life. I felt that God spoke to my heart about two passages of scripture. One was Isaiah 6 and the other was Habakkuk 2:2. I was so excited to hear His voice calling me so clearly.
After completing the DTS, I decided that I would return to work with Baan Jai Diaow. I believe that God is calling me to work with and disciple Thai youth. It is my desire to see youth Thai’s come to know Him, be on fire for Him, and serve Him!
I am now working with River Publishing in Bangkok.
I would appreciate prayer for the following items:
- For my parents come to know the Lord.
- For financial provision.
- That God would continue to give me wisdom.